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#Teamsvitol is the community of those who decided to trust Svitol as an ally in their work, in their passions, in their hobbies or in their free time.
Joining this team means knowing how to deal in a simple and smart way with all the big daily problems, it means living your passions to the full, without ever being stopped by a mishap or an inconvenience!
There will be a brand new group of experts each with their own passion: DIY, Sports, Motorcycles, Home, Car and there will be especially all of you!
Follow the Svitol social media contents and become part of the most FUNCTIONAL team there is.

Home and DIY

Seby Torrisi

Class 80, graduated in computer engineering, operating by profession in the field of numerical control applied to stone design, for some years I share my greatest passion, that of “DIY” and creative solutions, on my homonymous Youtube channel.

The right formula for the perfect DIY for me is to break away from certain stereotypes and schemes, while taking account of them for the realization of the work. Only in this way can we give space to creativity!

Lately I’m betting a lot on Youtube and the web community to share and follow my content, integrating some ironic pills to create an identity that shortens the distance between makers and passionate audience. Welcome to my lab!

Stefano Il falegname

My name is Stefano. I’m a small artisan carpenter. It’s not easy to explain exactly what I do, because my days are divided between carpentry and video making for my Youtube channel.

I am a fan of equipment, I keep constantly updated, I like to try the new machines just available. I call myself a hybrid carpenter, because I use both new machines and power tools and manual tools. Just like the handmade tiles, of which I have a decent collection, and that I use daily.
Being a small craftsman, my daily work is the most disparate. From the piece of furniture to the maintenance of windows and doors.

What I find most difficult is to keep the work place in order to be ready to shoot a new video.
Welcome to my lab!


See you soon

to meet #Teamsvitol!


See you soon

 to meet #Teamsvitol!


Pulire e sgrassare parti meccaniche con SVITOL
Pulire e ripristinare contatti elettrici con SVITOL ELECTRIC
Manutenzione porta basculante garage con Svitol SECCO
Rimuovere una vite spezzata e ripristinare filettature - con SVITOL
Sbloccare serratura inceppata e manutenzione - con Svitol
Come modificare il comando dell'aspiratrucioli e montarlo alla box della CNC - Progetto Teamsvitol
IL BANCO SEGA DA CANTIERE - Uso e manutenzione con Svitol
LA PIALLA A FILO - Uso e manutenzione con Svitol